Lean In unCONFERENCE 2019

Lean In Malaysia is back with our signature annual event, Lean In Unconference this November! The theme for this year is “Experiencing Breakthrough: Hear It, See It, Be It !”
After levelling up the conversation during LIU 2018, we found that a recurring issue among women is feeling stagnant and unable to seeing a clear path in career enhancement or having difficulty in having work and life balance. From all that has been discussed, the priority would be to tackle the said issues as above.
LIU 2019 aims to inspire breakthrough in their life and career. The breakthrough for career enhancement, the breakthrough for work-life balance and the breakthrough to male participants to promote inclusion as a breakthrough.
Hence, we would like our participants to hear real life stories on breakthrough through our human story books, to see how women and men experience breakthrough and promote inclusion in their respective organisations and finally be advocates of breakthrough themselves.
Additionally, our nation as a whole is also undergoing a similar sentiment of not being able to pass certain blocks of challenges and we would like to advocate for women to see themselves as leaders and to breakthrough imposter syndrome and stereotypes. It is vital to have diverse voices in leading the way for a better Malaysia for all.
As we roll out our annual conference in Sasana Kijang this year, we ensure that you will be in for a whole new experience!
0800 - 0900
Registration & Breakfast
0900 - 1000
Hear It: Human Story Books
1000 - 1005
Emcee: Introduction & Welcome
1005 - 1015
See It: Welcoming Remark
His Excellency Andrew Goledzinowski, Australian High Commissioner
Debra Nita, Head of Programme, Lean In Career Programme, Lean In Malaysia
1015 - 1045
See It: Opening Keynote -
From Breakdown to Breakthrough
Surina Shukri, CEO of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)
1045 - 1115
Tea Break
1115 - 1130
Presentation: Leaning In at Asia School of Business
1130 - 1230
See It: Panel Session
Partnering for Inclusion:
How & Why Now
Moderator: Arinah Najwa, Special Function Officer of Minister of Youth and Sports Malaysia
1. Datin Seri Sharifah Menyalara Hussein, CEO and Founding Director of M&C Saatchi Malaysia
2. Yu Ren Chung, Advocacy Manager of Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
3. Karel Avni Doshi, Country Head of Corporate Banking, Commercial Banking of HSBC Malaysia
4.Li-Kai Chen, Lead for McKinsey’s Education Practise
1230 - 1245
Kahoot Session: What Is Your Idea of a Male Champion?
1245 - 1315
Be It: Closing Keynote -
Be the Male Champion
Jalil Rasheed, President & Group Chief Executive of Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB)
1315 - 1330
Be It: Pledge Signing
1330 - 1400
Lunch Networking Session